Navigating the R Ecosystem


Josef Fruehwald


January 17, 2023

The R Eco System

This is a flowchart of my most frequent workflow for finding information about an R package.

flowchart TD
  A(Package Google Result) --> B[Cran Page]
  A --> C[Documentation PDF]
  C --> B
  B --> D[Github Repo]
  D --> E[pkgdown page]
  E -.-> F[bookdown book]
  E --> G[Articles/Vignettes]

How it looks

1. Googling for a package

A screenshot of a google search for ggplot2

2. The Cran Page

Visual overload. Look for the url

A screenshot of the ggplot2 Cran page with the url highlighted.

3. The Github Page

A lot of visual overload, but usually there’s

  1. A relatively nicely formatted README file
  2. A pkgdown url

A screenshot of the ggplot2 github repo with the pkgdown url highlighted

4. The pkgdown page

This is where it’s worth taking some time to click around and explore, but for how-tos and examples, look for a tab at the top called “Articles” or “Vignettes”

A screenshot of the ggplot2 pkgdown page with the Articles tab highlighted