Building up a complex {gt} table.


Josef Fruehwald


September 15, 2024

Recently, for class notes on probability/the central limit theorem, I wanted to recreate the table of 2d6 values that I made here. A really cool thing I found between that blog post and now is that gt has afmt_icon() operation that will replace text with its fontawesome icon.

 icon = c(
) |> 
  gt() |> 
Face Smile
Pizza Slice

And font-awesome has icons for each face of a 6 sided die!


  icon = str_glue(
) |> 
  gt() |> 
Dice One
Dice Two
Dice Three
Dice Four
Dice Five
Dice Six

Here’s how I got to a result that I liked. If anyone has suggestions for how to do this more cleanly, I’d love to hear about it!

Building the Data

The actual die rolls

Getting the actual die rolls and their total is a simple expand_grid() .

  die_a = 1:6,
  die_b = 1:6
) |> 
    total = die_a + die_b

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  die_a die_b total
  <int> <int> <int>
1     1     1     2
2     1     2     3
3     1     3     4
4     1     4     5
5     1     5     6
6     1     6     7

Injecting the fontawesome icon names

In my original code, I used some joins here, but I just found the {english} package, which will let me mutate the die_ columns directly.

rolls_df |> 
      ~ str_glue(
        word = as.english(.x)
  ) ->

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  die_a    die_b      total
  <glue>   <glue>     <int>
1 dice-one dice-one       2
2 dice-one dice-two       3
3 dice-one dice-three     4
4 dice-one dice-four      5
5 dice-one dice-five      6
6 dice-one dice-six       7

Identifying combos

I’m going to start pivoting a bunch, so now is the best time to give an id to each unique combo, as well as the total number of combos per total.

rolls_df |> 
    .by = total,
    id = row_number(),
    n = n()
  ) ->

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  die_a    die_b      total    id     n
  <glue>   <glue>     <int> <int> <int>
1 dice-one dice-one       2     1     1
2 dice-one dice-two       3     1     2
3 dice-one dice-three     4     1     3
4 dice-one dice-four      5     1     4
5 dice-one dice-five      6     1     5
6 dice-one dice-six       7     1     6

Getting wide

I’ll eventually want one column per die, with its combination id appended to it, which means pivoting long, merging the columns together, then pivoting wide.

Pivoting long

rolls_df |> 
    names_to = "die",
    values_to = "icon"
  ) |> 
    c(die, id),
    col = "die_id"

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  total die_id      n icon      
  <int> <chr>   <int> <glue>    
1     2 die_a_1     1 dice-one  
2     2 die_b_1     1 dice-one  
3     3 die_a_1     2 dice-one  
4     3 die_b_1     2 dice-two  
5     4 die_a_1     3 dice-one  
6     4 die_b_1     3 dice-three

Pivoting wide

rolls_long |> 
    names_from = die_id,
    values_from = icon
  ) ->

# A tibble: 6 × 14
  total     n die_a_1  die_b_1   die_a_2 die_b_2 die_a_3 die_b_3 die_a_4 die_b_4
  <int> <int> <glue>   <glue>    <glue>  <glue>  <glue>  <glue>  <glue>  <glue> 
1     2     1 dice-one dice-one  <NA>    <NA>    <NA>    <NA>    <NA>    <NA>   
2     3     2 dice-one dice-two  dice-t… dice-o… <NA>    <NA>    <NA>    <NA>   
3     4     3 dice-one dice-thr… dice-t… dice-t… dice-t… dice-o… <NA>    <NA>   
4     5     4 dice-one dice-four dice-t… dice-t… dice-t… dice-t… dice-f… dice-o…
5     6     5 dice-one dice-five dice-t… dice-f… dice-t… dice-t… dice-f… dice-t…
6     7     6 dice-one dice-six  dice-t… dice-f… dice-t… dice-f… dice-f… dice-t…
# ℹ 4 more variables: die_a_5 <glue>, die_b_5 <glue>, die_a_6 <glue>,
#   die_b_6 <glue>

Now, I’ve got some well named columns identifying die a and die b, as well as numeric ids for each unique combination. I’ll use these for coloring the dice icons and merging columns.

But, I also want to move the n column, and add a proportion column.

rolls_wide |> 
    .after = last_col()
  ) |> 
    prop = n/sum(n)

Building the table.

Formatting the icons

To make sure it’s clear I’m working with two die, I want die_a and die_b to be different colors, which I can make happen with two uses of fmt_icon().

rolls_wide |> 
  gt() |>   
    fill_color = "#CC6677"
  ) |>
    fill_color = "#4477AA"
  ) ->

total die_a_1 die_b_1 die_a_2 die_b_2 die_a_3 die_b_3 die_a_4 die_b_4 die_a_5 die_b_5 die_a_6 die_b_6 n prop
2 Dice One Dice One NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 0.02777778
3 Dice One Dice Two Dice Two Dice One NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 0.05555556
4 Dice One Dice Three Dice Two Dice Two Dice Three Dice One NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 0.08333333
5 Dice One Dice Four Dice Two Dice Three Dice Three Dice Two Dice Four Dice One NA NA NA NA 4 0.11111111
6 Dice One Dice Five Dice Two Dice Four Dice Three Dice Three Dice Four Dice Two Dice Five Dice One NA NA 5 0.13888889
7 Dice One Dice Six Dice Two Dice Five Dice Three Dice Four Dice Four Dice Three Dice Five Dice Two Dice Six Dice One 6 0.16666667
8 Dice Two Dice Six Dice Three Dice Five Dice Four Dice Four Dice Five Dice Three Dice Six Dice Two NA NA 5 0.13888889
9 Dice Three Dice Six Dice Four Dice Five Dice Five Dice Four Dice Six Dice Three NA NA NA NA 4 0.11111111
10 Dice Four Dice Six Dice Five Dice Five Dice Six Dice Four NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 0.08333333
11 Dice Five Dice Six Dice Six Dice Five NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 0.05555556
12 Dice Six Dice Six NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 0.02777778

Dropping the missing values

I want to drop out all of the missing values. I found that if I replace them with just "", for some reason the row with no NAs winds up being narrower than the rest, but if I replace them with a zero-width space, it turns out more compact.

out_tbl |> 
  sub_missing(missing_text = html("&ZeroWidthSpace;")) ->

The ugliest part

Now, I need to merge the columns together with cols_merge(). This is where the code gets a little ugly, what I want to be able to say is

  • Merge two columns if they match in the last two characters

Maybe there’s a way to express this with tidyselect verbs that I’m just not good enough with. In the original code, I just used cols_merge() 6 times, which would look like:

It just occurred to me that something from purrr might be the right tool, and refreshed myself on purrr::reduce().

  \(acc, nxt){
    acc |> 
  .init = out_tbl
) ->

total die_a_1 die_a_2 die_a_3 die_a_4 die_a_5 die_a_6 n prop
2 Dice One Dice One ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 1 0.02777778
3 Dice One Dice Two Dice Two Dice One ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2 0.05555556
4 Dice One Dice Three Dice Two Dice Two Dice Three Dice One ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3 0.08333333
5 Dice One Dice Four Dice Two Dice Three Dice Three Dice Two Dice Four Dice One ​ ​ ​ ​ 4 0.11111111
6 Dice One Dice Five Dice Two Dice Four Dice Three Dice Three Dice Four Dice Two Dice Five Dice One ​ ​ 5 0.13888889
7 Dice One Dice Six Dice Two Dice Five Dice Three Dice Four Dice Four Dice Three Dice Five Dice Two Dice Six Dice One 6 0.16666667
8 Dice Two Dice Six Dice Three Dice Five Dice Four Dice Four Dice Five Dice Three Dice Six Dice Two ​ ​ 5 0.13888889
9 Dice Three Dice Six Dice Four Dice Five Dice Five Dice Four Dice Six Dice Three ​ ​ ​ ​ 4 0.11111111
10 Dice Four Dice Six Dice Five Dice Five Dice Six Dice Four ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3 0.08333333
11 Dice Five Dice Six Dice Six Dice Five ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2 0.05555556
12 Dice Six Dice Six ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 1 0.02777778

To be honest, even though the reduce() approach is more programmery, writing out each cols_merge() individually is more readable…

Maybe if I wanted to expand this out to 3d6, the reduce() approach would be better. But at that point, I’d also be creating a table of 27 columns, and at that point the illustrative nature of the table would probably be lost.

# dice roll package

d6 <- d(6)

one_combo_p <- droll(3, 3*d6)
total_combo <- 1/one_combo_p

max_combo_p <- droll(10, 3*d6)

total_combo * max_combo_p
[1] 27

Final table finessing

Now, I want to

  1. remove the column names from the dice columns
  2. add a grand summary row
  3. format the probabilities down to 2 digits
  4. add some css so that the table will match lightmode/darkmode settings
out_tbl |> 
  # no dice column label
    starts_with("die") ~ ""
  ) |> 
  # grand summary
    columns = c(n, prop),
    fns = list(total ~ sum(.)),
    missing_text = ""
  ) |> 
  # two digits max 
    columns = prop,
    decimals = 2
  ) |> 
  # font setting
    font = list(
      google_font(name = "Public Sans"),
  ) |>     
  # light/darkmode matching
    style = "
      background-color: var(--bs-body-bg);
      color: var(--bs-body-color)
    locations = list(
  )  ->

total n prop
2 Dice One Dice One ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 1 0.03
3 Dice One Dice Two Dice Two Dice One ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2 0.06
4 Dice One Dice Three Dice Two Dice Two Dice Three Dice One ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3 0.08
5 Dice One Dice Four Dice Two Dice Three Dice Three Dice Two Dice Four Dice One ​ ​ ​ ​ 4 0.11
6 Dice One Dice Five Dice Two Dice Four Dice Three Dice Three Dice Four Dice Two Dice Five Dice One ​ ​ 5 0.14
7 Dice One Dice Six Dice Two Dice Five Dice Three Dice Four Dice Four Dice Three Dice Five Dice Two Dice Six Dice One 6 0.17
8 Dice Two Dice Six Dice Three Dice Five Dice Four Dice Four Dice Five Dice Three Dice Six Dice Two ​ ​ 5 0.14
9 Dice Three Dice Six Dice Four Dice Five Dice Five Dice Four Dice Six Dice Three ​ ​ ​ ​ 4 0.11
10 Dice Four Dice Six Dice Five Dice Five Dice Six Dice Four ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3 0.08
11 Dice Five Dice Six Dice Six Dice Five ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2 0.06
12 Dice Six Dice Six ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 1 0.03

36 1

Final thoughts

I’m really happy with the final result! The thought I’ve had while working with gt is that there are just a lot more steps involved in building a good table, compared to building a good plot in ggplot2. I don’t mean that as a knock on the package. I think it’s possible that building up a good table is just more complicated!


CC-BY-SA 4.0


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Fruehwald, Josef},
  title = {Building up a Complex `\{Gt\}` Table.},
  series = {Væl Space},
  date = {2024-09-15},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Fruehwald, Josef. 2024. “Building up a Complex `{Gt}` Table.” Væl Space. September 15, 2024.