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This is a generic normalization procedure with which you can create your own normalization method.


  .by = NULL,
  .by_formant = FALSE,
  .by_token = FALSE,
  .L = 0,
  .S = 1,
  .pre_trans = function(x) x,
  .post_trans = function(x) x,
  .drop_orig = FALSE,
  .keep_params = FALSE,
  .names = "{.formant}_n",
  .silent = FALSE,
  .call = caller_env()



A data frame containing vowel formant data


<tidy-select> One or more unquoted expressions separated by commas. These should target the vowel formant data columns.


<tidy-select> A selection of columns to group by. Typically a column of speaker IDs.


Whether or not the normalization method is formant intrinsic.


Whether or not the normalization method is vowel intrinsic


An expression defining the location parameter. See Details for more information.


An expression defining the scale parameter. See Details for more information.


A function to apply to formant values before normalization.


A function to apply to formant values after normalization.


Whether or not to drop the original formant data columns.


Whether or not to keep the Location (*_.L) and Scale (*_.S) normalization parameters


A glue::glue() expression for naming the normalized data columns. The "{.formant}" portion corresponds to the name of the original formant columns.


Whether or not the informational message should be printed.


Used for internal purposes.


A data frame of normalized formant values


The following norm_* procedures are built on top of norm_generic().

Location and Scale expressions

All normalization procedures built on norm_generic produce normalized formant values (\(\hat{F}\)) by subtracting a location parameter (\(L\)) and dividing by a scale parameter (\(S\)).

$$ \hat{F} = \frac{F-L}{S} $$

The expressions for calculating \(L\) and \(S\) can be passed to .L and .S, respectively. Available values for these expressions are


The original formant value


The number of the formant. (e.g. 1 for F1, 2 for F2 etc)

Along with any data columns from your original data.

Pre and Post normalization transforms

To apply any transformations before or after normalization, you can pass a function to .pre_trans and .post_trans.

Formant In/Extrinsic Normalization

If .by_formant is TRUE, normalization will be formant intrinsic. If .by_formant is FALSE, normalization will be formant extrinsic.

Token In/Extrinsic Normalization

If .by_token is TRUE, normalization will be token intrinsic. If .by_token is FALSE, normalization will be token extrinsic.



speaker_data |>
    .by = speaker,
    .by_formant = TRUE,
    .L = median(.formant, na.rm = TRUE),
    .S = mad(.formant, na.rm = TRUE),
    .drop_orig = TRUE,
    .names = "{.formant}_mad"
#> Normalization info
#>  normalized `F1`, `F2`, and `F3`
#>  normalized values in `F1_mad`, `F2_mad`, and `F3_mad`
#>  grouped by `speaker`
#>  formant intrinsic
#> # A tibble: 10,697 × 9
#>      .id speaker vowel plt_vclass ipa_vclass  F1_mad  F2_mad F3_mad word    
#>    <int> <chr>   <chr> <chr>      <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   
#>  1     1 s01     EY    eyF        ejF         1.13    0.400  -0.521 OKAY    
#>  2     2 s01     AH    uh         ʌ           0.643  -0.166   0.629 UM      
#>  3     3 s01     AY    ay         aj          2.09   -0.0211  0.165 I'M     
#>  4     4 s01     IH    i          ɪ          -0.454  -1.13    1.41  LIVED   
#>  5     5 s01     IH    i          ɪ          -0.0221  1.04    1.03  IN      
#>  6     6 s01     AH    @          ə          -0.0206 -0.104   0.715 COLUMBUS
#>  7     7 s01     AY    ay         aj         -0.280   0.0479  0.968 MY      
#>  8     8 s01     IH    i          ɪ          -0.649   1.07    1.03  ENTIRE  
#>  9     9 s01     ER    *hr        ə˞         -0.585  -0.709  -2.35  ENTIRE  
#> 10    10 s01     AY    ay0        aj0         0.987  -0.656  -2.34  LIFE    
#> # ℹ 10,687 more rows