The axis labels will only show in light mode!
maximal = (5 * 5) + 20;
a_at_x = (x_center * slope_a) +intercept_a;
b_at_x = (x_center * slope_b) +intercept_b;
a_at_x1 = ((x_center+1) * slope_a) +intercept_a;
b_at_x1 = ((x_center+1) * slope_b) +intercept_b;
b_eff = b_at_x - a_at_x;
b_counter = b_at_x + slope_a;
interaction = b_at_x1 - b_counter;
myline = [
{x: -5, y: (-5 * slope_a)+intercept_a, group: "a"},
{x: 5, y: (5 * slope_a)+intercept_a, group: "a"},
{x: -5, y: (-5 * slope_b)+intercept_b, group: "b"},
{x: 5, y: (5 * slope_b)+intercept_b, group: "b"}
interceptPoint = [
{x: x_center, y: (x_center * slope_a) +intercept_a}
arrowLine = [
from_x: x_center,
to_x: x_center,
from_y: (x_center * slope_a) +intercept_a,
to_y: (x_center * slope_b) +intercept_b
a_step = [
{x: x_center, y: (x_center * slope_a) +intercept_a, group: "a"},
//{x: x_center, y: (x_center+1 * slope_a) +intercept_a},
{x: x_center+1, y: ((x_center+1) * slope_a) + intercept_a, group: "a"}
b_step = [
{x: x_center, y: b_at_x, group: "a"},
//{x: x_center, y: (x_center+1 * slope_a) +intercept_a},
{x: x_center+1, y: b_at_x + slope_a, group: "a"}
b_interaction = [
{from_x: x_center+1,
to_x: x_center+1,
from_y: b_counter,
to_y: b_at_x1,
group: "b"
y: {domain: [-maximal, maximal]},
x: {domain: [-5, 6]},
marks: [
Plot.lineY(myline, {x: "x", y: "y", stroke: "group", strokeWidth: 4}),
x1: "from_x",
x2: "to_x",
y1: "from_y",
y2: "to_y",
stroke: "red",
strokeWidth: 3
x1: "from_x",
x2: "to_x",
y1: "from_y",
y2: "to_y",
stroke: "group",
strokeWidth: 3
x: "x",
y: "y",
curve: "step-after",
stroke: "group",
strokeDasharray: [2],
strokeWidth: 2
x: "x",
y: "y",
curve: "step-after",
stroke: "group",
strokeDasharray: [5],
strokeWidth: 2
),, {x: "x", y: "y", fill: "black", r: 5}),
Plot.text(myline, {
filter: d => d.x === 5,
x: 4.8,
y: "y",
text: "group",
fill: "group",
fontSize: 20
What you’d see in the regression results for lm(y~x*group)
regressionTable = [
term: "Intercept",
estimate: a_at_x,
symbol: "black dot"
term: "x",
estimate: slope_a,
symbol: "dashed blue step"
term: "groupb",
estimate: (b_at_x - a_at_x),
symbol: "red arrow"
term: "x:groupb",
estimate: (slope_b - slope_a),
symbol: "orange arrow"
Inputs.table(regressionTable, {sort: false})
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